
【HONDA GB350 レンタル徹底試乗 6 Final】GBとは、どんなバイクか。what kind of bike the GB350 is.

【HONDA GB350 レンタル徹底試乗 6 Final】GBとは、どんなバイクか。what kind of bike the GB350 is.

I rented and test rode Honda’s single-cylinder GB350.
I’ll be reporting on the test ride in several parts.
In this final installment, we will provide a comprehensive summary of what kind of bike the GB350 is.

This video has Japanese audio only. Sorry.
0:00 ニーグリップが決まる
   Knee grip is effective
0:34 基本的性格は「優しいバイク」
   The basic character is “a gentle bike”
2:04 単気筒エンジンの息吹
   The breath of a single-cylinder engine
3:29 優れたミッションタッチ
   Excellent transmission touch
4:05 車重と車格
   Weight and size
4:50 サスペンションとシート
   Suspension and seat
5:48 燃費がよい
   Good fuel economy
6:30 足つき性と市街地走行
   Foot reach and city riding
7:20 市街地走行も高速道も快調
   Excellent for city riding and highways
8:26 手のうちに収まる高性能
   High performance that fits in the palm of your hand
9:22 疲れない!
   No fatigue!
10:32 ハンドルバーの握り方
   How to grip the handlebars

Day : 2024/10/27
Site : Sapporo city
Camera : Sony HDR AS300
Nikon Z50
Rider : Takki Kazuhito
Editing : PowerDirector21
